Welcome to the Bryn Mawr Club of The Triangle, NC Website!

We are very excited to be launching our new club website, graciously hosted by Bryn Mawr College’s Blog server (hence the interesting web address and format). We hope however that it will be a quick and easy way for Triangle area alumnae to find out what is going on with the club.

We ask for your patience as we work to increase the content and qet out some of the kinks.

In the interest of privacy on the web we will not be posting personal information or locations to many of our events (just dates and times). If you are an alum of Bryn Mawr College, you can receive that information by getting placed on our mailing lists. Please contact the Alumnae Association of Bryn Mawr College to update your information as they maintain and send all correspondance for us via their database.(http://www.brynmawr.edu/alumnae/network/updates.htm)

If you are an alum you can also find our events listed on Bryn Mawr’s password secure social networking site: Athena’s Web (http://athenasweb.brynmawr.edu). Again the Alumnae Association can provide all alums with valid logins and passwords to get you started. After you sign up, join the the Bryn Mawr Club of the Triangle Group to get notices emailed to you of upcoming club events and to post messages.